The Momentary Temple: Gong Xu × Shanghai Dragon King (SHDK)
Lineage: Gong Xu Solo Exhibition
Gong Xu
Gong Xu’s excellent at in painting is falsifying, altering, scrawling or fabricating the classical or directional resources of art history or packaging them with a narrative layer. This working procedure of his takes apart the histories of Chinese traditional painting and Western modern and contemporary painting, or, more specifically, some major questions in these histories that intrigue the artist, like the Song-Dynasty art of Dragon painting explored in the new works he presents in this exhibition, and they are restructured under his extremely personalized and somewhat fortuitous reasons. We can also find some Dadaist touch in Gong Xu’s painting, like his piercing and purposeful frankness, and, most importantly, he’s not doing this dully or seriously but comically like playing games.
1986 Born in Shanghai, China
2006 Graduated from China Academy of Art Secondary School
2010 Graduated from China Academy of Art, Department of Oil Painting with Bachelor’s Degree
Currently works and lives in Shanghai
Solo Exhibitions
2018 The Momentary Temple: Gong Xu×SHDK, Hive Center for Contemporary Art, Shenzhen, China
Lineage: Gong Xu Solo Exhibition, Hive Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
2016 Zodiac Explosion-East Resurgence: Gong Xu Solo Exhibition, Space Station, Beijing, China
2015 Zodiac Explosion: Gong Xu Solo Exhibition, OCAT Xi’an, Xi’an, China
2012 The Flight of Birds and Crawling of Snakes: Gong Xu Solo Exhibition, Aether Space, Beijing, China
Group Exhibitions
2018 Déjà vu: Painting as the Art of Signification, Hive Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
2017 2017 Mercedes-Benz Art Exhibition, Shaoxing Science Museum, Shaoxing, China
Cabinet of Curiosities, Duo Yun Xuan Art Museum, Shanghai, China
2016 Annals of Floating Island, HanartTZ Gallery, Hongkong, China
2015 I’m Your Labyrinth, 1933 Contemporary, Shanghai, China
Post-Tradition and Its Origins, UCCASTORE, Beijing, China
Evil, SpaceStation, Beijing, China
2014 Art Sanya-Mesolittoral-Contemporary Art Exhibition of Young Artist, HuaYu Resort, Sanya, China
The 1st PSA Emerging Curators Program—Memorandum for Gaia, Power Station of Art Shanghai, China
2012 Freewill Questions–Hangzhou Young Artists Joint Exhibition, SanShang Contemporary Art Gallery, Hangzhou, China
Youth Ambitions–8090s Zhejiang Youth Art Exhibition, Museum of Ningbo, Ningbo, China
Future Pass-From Asia to the World- Beijing Stop, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
A New Series of Dragon Painter: The Inner Logic of Gong Xu’s Painting
Gong Xu | the Shapes of Immortality
Hang Zhou
Beijing Contemporary Art Expo 2019