On behalf of Hive Center for Contemporary Art, We have the honor to claim that Fold of the Infra-Fade: the Solo Exhibition of Liang Quan will open on May 11th 2013. As the essential exhibition of HCCA’s annual Neo Water-ink Project, it will last to June 11th 2013. Liang Quan, the representative abstract ink painter, is featured for his unique collages technique using dyed rice paper. Abandoned traditional painting methods and theories, Liang constructs a rational and undemonstrative visual world to philosophize the meaning of Zen.


Liang Quan’s perceptual pattern draws on the method of showing emptiness by dedicated details. His participations: the accurate control towards water and ink, overlaying and adjusting of color areas, and using blank to replace coloring all aim to create a polyphonic and poetic sense.


We can conclude his characteristics of art practices: First, he evolves the methodology from western abstract and Japanese mono-ha to naturalized fractal geometry to illustrate ink painting’s traits which contain an affluent inter-relation between blank and surface. Second, He endows his works a strong sense of mental vitality. Third, Liang reconstructs the aesthetic style of intellectuals which glorifies the ultimate realm of isolation and flatness to ease the excessive diffusion of consumerism.


The base color tone of Liang Quan’s works which will exhibit in Hive Center for Contemporary Art is sandy, echoing the inter-response between water and tea as a metaphor of Yin and Yang to record the ode to fading and surviving. Liang Quan uses the blank to nourish the life with a poetic expression and modest attitude. Also, Liang also makes magnificent contribution to neo ink painting for his methodology of reverse-deconstructivism.

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